Sunday, June 21, 2009

The meaning of the LOGO

This is logo of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. This logo symbols of this university.

There are four colors. They are Blue, Black, Yellow and White. This color means a lot. Blue means modernization or modern as well as overwhelming, Black is authoritative and powerful, because black can evoke strong emotions too much can be overwhelming. White means purity, cleanliness, and neutrality. Yellow means optimism, enlightenment, and happiness as well as spark creative thoughts.
The meaning of colors taken from this web address:

There is also a PEN, which is related to the education and power of education. Back of the pen there is a SUN, which symbols enlightenment and power of education.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Course is about?

· What do you think this course is about?

The name of this course is 'Reading Media Text'. This course is an advance level course. I found from the overview of this course, offers a variety of critical approaches to the analysis of media texts. Texts dealt with include film, television, magazines, CD covers, advertising, photography and newspapers. In your course syllabus you also wrote that a number of key theoretical concepts are introduced and explored in depth. I think if I follow your instruction then I will be able to think critically about media texts which is include with the film, television, magazines, CD covers, advertising, photography and newspapers. Before submitting this assignment I had done three classes and I think in this way I will be able to think independently and write independently. At the end of this course I think, I will know myself well. I will know my ability of working.
Total word # 146

· What do you want to get out of this course?

Firstly I want from this course that I will be able to think critically. I want to know how to analyze media texts, different kinds of media and culture texts. I also want to know, how to think independently and write independently. I want to know, how can I apply techniques. I am very much curious about your course because this course is different and your teaching patterns are also different from the other courses. I want to know more synonyms while I am reading this course. I think in this way, I also want to learn how to deliver a short speech affectively. As I am a student of mass communication I want to acquire the way of make well relationship between two companies. I want to be a PR (Public Relations) person.
Total word # 133

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Lecture # 1
My favorite Blog Address is


· Definition of Objectivity:
The synonym of Objectivity is neutrality. Objectivity means totally uninfluenced, non-biased, personal opinion with good justice and based on perfect judgment. It is an external reality, truth.

· Definition of Subjectivity:
It is opposite of Objectivity. The synonym of Subjectivity is biased or partisanship. Subjectivity means influenced by other emotions and feelings, and based on biased judgment. It is an internal reality.

· Definition of Consensus:
The synonym of Consensus is agreement of a group. Consensus means majority agreement or general agreement.

Consensus is an agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole.

· Definition of Status quo:
Status quo means the present situation or existing situation or unchanged situation.